Cover of Arima A Arima (EDT), Dang Nguyen Dinh Dang (EDT): Quasiparticle And Phonon Excitations In Nuclei (Soloviev 99): In Memory Of Professor Vadim Soloviev (1925-1998)

Arima A Arima (EDT), Dang Nguyen Dinh Dang (EDT) Quasiparticle And Phonon Excitations In Nuclei (Soloviev 99): In Memory Of Professor Vadim Soloviev (1925-1998)

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Professor Vadim Soloviev, an outstanding Russian nuclear theorist, was the founder of the Dubna school of nuclear structure. This volume commemorates his important contribution to nuclear physics. The subjects include: (1) traditional low-energy nuclear structure; (2) nuclear structure at extremes of excitation energy, angular momentum, isospin and mass; (3) nucleus-nucleus collisions and phase transitions in nuclear matter; (4) related subjects.

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