Cover of Abbas Aghdassi (EDT): Perspectives on Academic Persian

Abbas Aghdassi (EDT) Perspectives on Academic Persian

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Springer International Publishing


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This book focuses on the idea of Academic Persian in the growing competition of many Middle Eastern languages to produce and highlight their academic discourse. Similar to academic English, most West Asian languages including Persian, Turkish, and Arabic are developing new styles and genres to produce academic texts. The book addresses a major question: "What is academic Persian?" Intended for researchers, experts, analysts, policy-makers, and students in Persian, Iranian studies, and Islamic studies, as well as Near Eastern languages and Middle Eastern cultures and languages, the book includes numerous technical contributions on the emerging markets involving west Asian languages. Since indexing, abstracting, crawling, metrics, citations, and visibility are becoming hot issues for academics, service providers (e.g., publishers) and policy-makers (e.g., university heads), a knowledge of academic Persian will help readers to grasp what Persian, and other similar languages, require in academic markets.

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