Cover of Holm Altenbach (EDT), Victor A. Eremeyev (EDT), Igor S. Pavlov (EDT), Alexey V. Porubov (EDT): Nonlinear Wave Dynamics of Materials and Structures

Holm Altenbach (EDT), Victor A. Eremeyev (EDT), Igor S. Pavlov (EDT), Alexey V. Porubov (EDT) Nonlinear Wave Dynamics of Materials and Structures

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This book marks the 60th birthday of Prof. Vladimir Erofeev - a well-known specialist in the field of wave processes in solids, fluids, and structures. Featuring a collection of papers related to Prof. Erofeev's contributions in the field, it presents articles on the current problems concerning the theory of nonlinear wave processes in generalized continua and structures. It also discusses a number of applications as well as various discrete and continuous dynamic models of structures and media and problems of nonlinear acoustic diagnostics.

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