Cover of Wyatt Allen: Isaac, God'S Final Mercy

Wyatt Allen Isaac, God'S Final Mercy

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The Bible warns us of things to comeand things that are even happening now. There will be wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, storms, violence, bigotry, famine, and more horrors. Because God loves us, he will show mercy upon those who have goodness, love, and understanding in their hearts. But what about in a world without God? Isaac, Gods Final Mercy is a story of Gods mercy just after the rapture, when suddenly in a flash of light all true believers are taken to safety. But in this time, the world is consumed by all the remaining evil, and the Antichrist takes his reign over the earth. God sends a powerful supreme being, Isaac, back to the world during these last days, and his task is to find those who were left behind and see if they are worthy of Gods love and mercyand to destroy those who are not. Throughout the Bible and even since the beginning of time, God has always shown his mercy upon the world. Without God there would be no love or understanding, and the world would be filled with hatred, murder, mayhem, and suffering. This is not unlike our world today, but we can be hopeful because we know God is here for us, and in his mercy he will show us the way to eternity.

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