Cover of Krisp Caleb Krisp: Anyone But Ivy Pocket

Krisp Caleb Krisp Anyone But Ivy Pocket

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Bloomsbury Publishing


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Ivy Pocket is a twelve-year-old maid of no importance, with a very lofty opinion of herself. Dumped in Paris by the Countess Carbunkle, who would rather run away to South America than continue in Ivy's companionship, our young heroine (of sorts) finds herself with no money and no home to go to ... until she is summoned to the bedside of the dying Duchess of Trinity. For the princely sum of 500 (enough to buy a carriage, and possibly a monkey), Ivy agrees to courier the Duchess's most precious possession the Clock Diamond to England, and to put it around the neck of the revolting Matilda Butterfield on her twelfth birthday. It's not long before Ivy finds herself at the heart of a conspiracy involving mischief, mayhem and murder.Illustrated in humorous gothic detail by John Kelly, Anyone But Ivy Pocket is just the beginning of one girl's deadly comic journey to discover who she really is ...

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