Cover of Adam Abdulla: Coaching Students in Secondary Schools

Adam Abdulla Coaching Students in Secondary Schools

Closing the Gap between Performance and Potential

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Taylor and Francis


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This practical, evidence-based guide provides a comprehensive introduction to the coaching of secondary school students. Using a clear, step-by-step structure, the book explores how coaching can help students improve performance, enhance wellbeing, develop skills and achieve goals. The ultimate aim is to help the student become his or her own coach.Divided into six parts, Coaching Students in Secondary Schools explores all of the key aspects of coaching, from basic coaching skills to effective methods of evaluation. Having explained why coachinga benefits students, the book shows readers howa to adopt a 'coaching approach,' structure a formal session, launch a coaching programme and measure its success.Topics covered include:the uses and benefits of coachingthe evidence for coachingcore coaching skillsconducting coaching sessionsthe practicalities of coachingevaluating the impact of coaching.With real-life scenarios and examples embedded throughout, Coaching Students in Secondary Schools will be essential reading for practising secondary school teachers, classroom assistants and student support staff.

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