Cover of Jefferson Adams: Strategic Intelligence in the Cold War and Beyond

Jefferson Adams Strategic Intelligence in the Cold War and Beyond

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Taylor and Francis


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Strategic Intelligence in the Cold War and Beyond looks at the many events, personalities, and controversies in the field of intelligence and espionage since the end of World War II. A crucial but often neglected topic, strategic intelligence took on added significance during the protracted struggle of the Cold War.In this accessible volume, Jefferson Adams places these important developments in their historical context, taking a global approach to themes includingvarious undertakings from both sides in the Cold War, with emphasis on covert action and deception operationscontroversial episodes involving Cuba, Chile, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Poland, and Afghanistan as well as numerous lesser known occurrences.three Cold War spy profiles which explore the role of human psychology in intelligence workthe technological dimensionspies in fiction, film and televisiondevelopments in the intelligence organizations of both sides in the decade following the fall of the Berlin wallSupplemented by suggestions for further reading, a glossary of key terms, and a timeline of important events, this is an essential read for all those interested in the modern history of espionage.

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