Cover of Elizabeth B. Bernhardt: Understanding Advanced Second-Language Reading

Elizabeth B. Bernhardt Understanding Advanced Second-Language Reading

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What distinguishes this book is its broad, yet thorough, view of theory, process, and research on adult second-language reading. Offering extensive discussions of upper-register second-language texts (both expository and narrative) that adult second-language readers encounter daily across the globe, it also presents an assessment schema for second-language text comprehension as well as for the assessment of teaching. Understanding Advanced Second-Language Reading: includes languages other than English in the discussion of second language readingis firmly anchored in a theory of second language reading the concept of compensatory processingemphasizes the multi-dimensionality and dynamic nature of L2 reading developmentfocuses on comprehension of upper-register literary texts balances theory and instructional practices.Filling the need for a coherent, theoretically consistent, and research-based portrait of how literate adolescents and adults comprehend, and learn to comprehend, at greater levels of sophistication and whether that ability can be enhanced by instruction, this is a must-have resource for reading and second-language researchers, students, and teachers.

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