Cover of Pradeep Agrawal (EDT): Sustaining High Growth in India

Pradeep Agrawal (EDT) Sustaining High Growth in India

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Cambridge University Press


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The growth rate of the Indian economy has plummeted sharply from 9 per cent in 2010 to below 5 per cent over 2012 It is essential to sustain a growth rate of 8 per cent or more over the next 20 years to eliminate poverty and reach a decent standard of living. There is an urgent need for research on the challenges facing India in reviving and sustaining high rates of economic growth, some of which are related to industrial policy, trade policy, infrastructure bottlenecks, inflation and macroeconomic issues, governance issues, demography and human capital. There is also a need for better industrial and human resource policies, higher investment and savings rates, higher exports and foreign investment inflows. This book studies the importance of growth, the role of industrial policy in sustaining it, and other critical issues regarding ways to revive and sustain higher growth in India across various sectors of the economy.

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