Cover of Thoughts of a Free-Thinker

Thoughts of a Free-Thinker

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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. I T would be affectation on the part of the writer of this book to pretend that he expects it to be received without protest, and probably vehement and angry protest, by most of the clergy and many of the laity of the various Christian denominations. Some may be anxious to dispute the correct ness of the conclusion arrived at, viz.; that the Bible is not a Divine revelation, and, as such, a book demanding reverent acceptance and beyond the reach of criticism. To these it need only be said, that any arguments they may be able to adduce in refutation of the con elusion arrived at in these pages will be considered with the attention they deserve, with such attention as the author would desire to have extended to his own arguments. But while argument will not fail to be regarded, mere denunciation and invective will be simply ignored.

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