Cover of Ezra Abbot: Authorship of the Fourth Gospel and Other Critical Essays

Ezra Abbot Authorship of the Fourth Gospel and Other Critical Essays

Selected From the Published Papers of the Late Ezra Abbot

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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The present volume is issued in compliance with suggestions coming from both sides of the Atlantic. Several of the essays it contains appeared originally in publications not easily accessible, yet embody results of the highest value to students of the New Testament, whether in its textual or its historical aspects. Some of them will be found to have received from the author, since their first appearance, not a few minute perfecting touches, character istic of his punctilious and vigilant scholarship. In reading them, it is important to note the date of composition (given at the beginning of each), since it has not been found practicable always to mention such supplementary or qualifying facts as the progress of time has brought. Indeed, by far the larger portion of the present volume was printed nearly two years ago and its publica tion has been delayed by causes over which the editor has had little control. The chief infelicitous result of the delay, however, appears in the fact that one or two additions - made somewhat inconsistently, it must be confessed - have come in their turn to need supplementing (see, for example, p. 166, note). All the editor's annotations have been carefully distinguished from the work of the author by being enclosed in square brackets; but it should be observed that matter thus enclosed in the midst of quotations or translations is from the pen of Dr. Abbot himself.

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