Cover of St. Elizabeth of Hungary

St. Elizabeth of Hungary

Patroness of the Third Order

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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The Thuringian court, then at the height of its magnificence and splendor, was to witness the dawning virtues Of Elizabeth. 'the' stately castle Of Wartburg, the residence of the Thuringian court, and the new home of Elizabeth, was famous at this period for its riches and opulence, for its feasts and songs. Elizabeth, however, cared little for these pleasures. She had scarcely come to the age Of reason when she began to show a special love for the house Of God, the home of the Blessed Sacrament. The poorest chapel had more attraction for the saintly child, than the castle Of Wartburg with all its royal splendor. She loved to kneel before the altar and stretch out her little tender arms toward the Divine Presence in the tabernacle. When her rides or walks led her by chance near a sanctuary, if the doors were shut.

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