Cover of Cooking Hints and Helps to Reduce the Cost of Living

Cooking Hints and Helps to Reduce the Cost of Living

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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. This little cook book is intended to help the frugal housewife to feed her family well. In these days of high cost of living this is not an easy problem. The woman who has a limited amount to spend on her table, must spend it wisely if the members of her household are to be well nourished and enjoy their food. True economy does not mean poor living. It means eliminating waste - getting the most for your money. It is quite possible to spend much and get little, in the way of wholesome food. Knowledge alone can save the housewife from such error. In the purchase and preparation of food she must know food values, how to get them at lowest cost, how to prepare them into appetizing dishes, how to save unnecessary waste. It may be poor economy to buy inexpensive food. The family must have certain elements to grow and work. Food may be cheap and worth less, or inexpensive and valuable. One mustknow It is really a simple matter to choose nutritious food, and have it so prepared that there is no waste. Waste is responsible for much of what we call high cost of living. Extravagance is evidenced not only by what people throw away, but also by what they leave in the shops because they do not know how to prepare it. Butchers put a high price on the cuts of meat which anybody can cook without loss of flavor. Parts requiring skill in preparation can be bought for much less.

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