Cover of Before and Beyond the 'Big Society'

Before and Beyond the 'Big Society'

John Milbank and the Church of England's Approach to Welfare

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John Milbank's theology hasshaped much modern political thinking both within and without the Church. In Beforeand Beyond the 'Big Society', Joseph Forde presents the first study devotedexclusively to John Milbank's theology of welfare, and how it has influencedpolicy in the Church of England since 2008.By examining the favourable response the Church gave to the 'BigSociety' project in 2010-12, Forde shows that Milbank's Blue Socialistfingerprint increasingly dominates Church policy. This theology has not evolvedin a vacuum, however, and Forde expertly places it in its historical andtheoretical context. He offers a detailed critical discussion of Milbank's owncritique of what has been the mainstream (Temple) Anglican theology of welfarein the Church of England since the 1940s, and a fresh contribution to theassessment of Anglican social theology. Finally, he demonstrates how Milbank'sideas have been furthered by other influential Anglicans. It is this influencethat will carry the greatest implications for the Church of England's policy onwelfare in future, making this study relevant to all who care about itscontribution to the provision of welfare.  

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