Cover of Adam Trachtman: Immersion

Adam Trachtman Immersion

Premium Tales of Assimilation in the Post-Communist Eastern Bloc

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U Lužického semináře 10, Malá Strana
Berlín-Friedrichshain, dodací doba +7 dní

Book information

Nomad Jawn


Oversized Paperback







The first DeepArt AI-based graphic novel memoir; a collection of 11 short stories touring eastern Europe on motorcycle in the early-mid 90s. Just freed from the shackles of Communism, it was a lawless place of freewheeling adventure, inconceivable schemes, illegal gun markets, high stakes speed chess games with mobsters, activism and psychedelics, a blessedly short stint in a Russian jail, cross border drug smuggling, to being drugged and robbed, and ultimately coming to terms with my own conservative Jewish upbringing. The artwork, like the story, evokes the stark beauty and drama of those transient years when democracy in Eastern Europe was evolving and the author was simultaneously coming into his own as an adult.

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