Cover of Gary Barkhuizen, Phil Benson, Alice Chik: Narrative Inquiry in Language Teaching and Learning Research

Gary Barkhuizen, Phil Benson, Alice Chik Narrative Inquiry in Language Teaching and Learning Research

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Narrative Inquiry in Language Teaching and Learning Research provides an entry-level introduction to research methods using stories, as data or as a means of presenting findings, that is grounded in published empirical research within the field of language teaching and learning. It discusses basic definitions and concepts in narrative inquiry, explains how and why narrative methods have been used in language teaching and learning research, and outlines the different approaches and topics covered by this research. It also examines the different ways of eliciting, analyzing, and presenting narrative inquiry data.Narrative inquiry offers exciting prospects for language teaching and learning research and this book is the first focused and practical guide for readers who are interested in understanding or carrying out narrative studies.

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