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Central European Literature

Nick Hunt

Walking the Woods and the Water

In Patrick Leigh Fermor's Footsteps from the Hook of Holland to the Golden Horn

Price: 399 Kč
Price for Eshop: 359 Kč (€ 14.4)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton General Division

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Adelbert von Chamisso

Peter Schlemihl

Newly translated and Annotated

Price: 399 Kč
Price for Eshop: 319 Kč (€ 12.8)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Alma Books Ltd

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Bruno Jasienski

The Legs of Izolda Morgan

Selected Writings

Price for Eshop: 360 Kč (€ 14.4)

Condition: New, Binding: Hardcover, Publisher: Twisted Spoon Press

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Bruno Jasienski

I Burn Paris

Price for Eshop: 320 Kč (€ 12.8)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Twisted Spoon Press

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Ernst Junger

On the Marble Cliffs

Price for Eshop: 459 Kč (€ 18.4)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: New York Review of Books

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Ismail Kadare

The Siege

Price: 399 Kč
Price for Eshop: 319 Kč (€ 12.8)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Canongate Books Ltd

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Ismail Kadare

Chronicle In Stone

Price: 399 Kč
Price for Eshop: 319 Kč (€ 12.8)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Canongate Books Ltd

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Franz Kafka

The Unhappiness of Being a Single Man

Essential Stories

Price for Eshop: 419 Kč (€ 16.8)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Pushkin Press

Availability: Expected delivery time 14-30 days

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Ivan Kalmar

White But Not Quite

Central Europe's Illiberal Revolt

Price for Eshop: 999 Kč (€ 40.0)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Bristol University Press

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Robert D. Kaplan

In Europe's Shadow

Two Cold Wars and a Thirty-Year Journey Through Romania and Beyond

Price for Eshop: 569 Kč (€ 22.8)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Random House USA Inc

Availability: Expected delivery time 14-30 days

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