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French Books

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

L'autre moitié du soleil

Price for Eshop: 369 Kč (€ 14.8)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Gallimard, Language: French

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Le tremblement

Price for Eshop: 129 Kč (€ 5.2)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Folio, Language: French

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Cecelia Ahern

Si tu me voyais maintenant

Price for Eshop: 195 Kč (€ 7.8)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Jai Lu, Language: French

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Cecelia Ahern

PS : I Love You

Price for Eshop: 224 Kč (€ 9.0)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: J'ai Lu, Language: French

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Anne Akrich

Il faut se méfier des hommes nus

Price for Eshop: 227 Kč (€ 9.1)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Flammarion, Language: French

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Christian Ambrosi

La France, 1870-1990

Price for Eshop: 250 Kč (€ 10.0)

Condition: Very Good, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Masson, Language: French

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Patrick Amine

Petit éloge de la colère

Price for Eshop: 89 Kč (€ 3.6)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Gallimard, Language: French

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Martin Amis

Money, Money

Price for Eshop: 200 Kč (€ 8.0)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Gallimard, Language: French

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Anja Mutic, Iain Stewart


Price for Eshop: 243 Kč (€ 9.7)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Lonely Planet, Language: French

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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Etienne Kern Anne Boquel

Une histoire des parents d'écrivains

De Balzac à Marguerite Duras

Price: 560 Kč
Price for Eshop: 504 Kč (€ 20.2)

Condition: New, Binding: Paperback, Publisher: Flammarion, Language: French

Availability: In stock, ships in 24 hours

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