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E-Books - Animal behaviour


Starting from Scratch

The Origin and Development of Expression, Representation and Symbolism in Human and Non-Human Primates

Price for Eshop: 1467 Kč (€ 58.7)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior

Price for Eshop: 53361 Kč (€ 2134.4)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Elsevier Science

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior

Price for Eshop: 24227 Kč (€ 969.1)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Elsevier Science

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Hormones, Brain and Behavior

Price for Eshop: 11923 Kč (€ 476.9)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Elsevier Science

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Jennifer Ackerman

Bird Way

a new look at how birds talk, work, play, parent, and think

Price for Eshop: 640 Kč (€ 25.6)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Scribe Publications Pty Ltd

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Hart Adam Hart

Deadly Balance

Predators and People in a Crowded World

Price for Eshop: 443 Kč (€ 17.7)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Clark E. Adams, Cassandra LaFleur Villarreal

Urban Deer Havens

Price for Eshop: 1632 Kč (€ 65.3)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: CRC Press

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Clark E. Adams, Cassandra LaFleur Villarreal

Urban Deer Havens

Price for Eshop: 1632 Kč (€ 65.3)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: CRC Press

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Elizabeth Adkins-Regan

Hormones and Animal Social Behavior

Price for Eshop: 2400 Kč (€ 96.0)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Princeton University Press

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Marion Albers (EDT), Thomas Hoffmann (EDT), Jorn Reinhardt (EDT)

Human Rights and Human Nature

Price for Eshop: 2520 Kč (€ 100.8)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Springer Netherlands

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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