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E-Books - Philosophy: metaphysics & ontology


Zeit und Kultur

Geschichte des Zeitbewutseins in Europa

Price for Eshop: 997 Kč (€ 39.9)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Aristotle, Metaphysics Lambda

Price for Eshop: 938 Kč (€ 37.5)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: OUP Oxford

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Vanishing Matter and the Laws of Motion

Descartes and Beyond

Price for Eshop: 3427 Kč (€ 137.1)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Anaxagoras of Clazomenae

Fragments and Testimonia

Price for Eshop: 873 Kč (€ 34.9)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: University of Toronto Press

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Felix Ravaisson: French Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century

Price for Eshop: 1866 Kč (€ 74.6)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: OUP Oxford

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Felix Ravaisson: French Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century

Price for Eshop: 1866 Kč (€ 74.6)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: OUP Oxford

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Ancient and Modern

Price for Eshop: 206 Kč (€ 8.2)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Forgotten Books

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Law of Thought

Price for Eshop: 206 Kč (€ 8.2)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Forgotten Books

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy

With Selections from the Objections and Replies

Price for Eshop: 563 Kč (€ 22.5)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy

With Selections from the Objections and Replies

Price for Eshop: 563 Kč (€ 22.5)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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