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E-Books - Sociology


Black Feminist Thought

Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment

Price for Eshop: 691 Kč (€ 27.6)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Lawful Order

Price for Eshop: 922 Kč (€ 36.9)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Welfare Research

Price for Eshop: 921 Kč (€ 36.8)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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New Diasporas

Price for Eshop: 1036 Kč (€ 41.4)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Environmental Problems of the City Centres

A report prepared for the Environment and Consumer Protection Service of the Commission of the European Communities

Price for Eshop: 1267 Kč (€ 50.7)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Springer US

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Demographic Issues in Nigeria: Insights and Implications

Price for Eshop: 115 Kč (€ 4.6)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: AuthorHouse UK

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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On Luxury

A Cautionary Tale: A Short History of the Perils of Excess from Ancient Times to the Beginning of the Modern Era

Price for Eshop: 844 Kč (€ 33.8)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: University of Nebraska

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Traffic Power Structure

Price for Eshop: 192 Kč (€ 7.7)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Pm Press

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Load Shedding

Writing on and over the edge of South Africa

Price for Eshop: 195 Kč (€ 7.8)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Soziale Arbeit als ethische Wissenschaft

Topologie einer Profession

Price for Eshop: 1008 Kč (€ 40.3)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: De Gruyter

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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