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E-Books - Warfare & defence


Climate Conflict

How Global Warming Threatens Security and What to Do about It

Price for Eshop: 768 Kč (€ 30.7)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Striving for Military Stability in Europe

Price for Eshop: 2774 Kč (€ 111.0)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Small Arms Survey 2015

Weapons and the World

Price for Eshop: 844 Kč (€ 33.8)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Letters of Note: War

Price for Eshop: 153 Kč (€ 6.1)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Canongate Books

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Women in the United States Military

An Annotated Bibliography

Price for Eshop: 4896 Kč (€ 195.8)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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26/11 : The Attack on Mumbai

Price for Eshop: 316 Kč (€ 12.6)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Edwards Aaron Edwards

Northern Ireland Troubles

Operation Banner 1969 2007

Price for Eshop: 352 Kč (€ 14.1)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Edwards Aaron Edwards

Northern Ireland Troubles

Operation Banner 1969 2007

Price for Eshop: 460 Kč (€ 18.4)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Edwards Aaron Edwards

Northern Ireland Troubles

Operation Banner 1969 2007

Price for Eshop: 460 Kč (€ 18.4)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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Sheehan-Dean Aaron Sheehan-Dean (EDT)

Struggle for a vast future

The American Civil War

Price for Eshop: 381 Kč (€ 15.2)

Format: E-Book, Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Availability: E-book delivered electronically online

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